李聖傑 最近

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So, I was working on the research project last night when I ran into a dead end. Everything was going on fine until I start running the simulation in Chien Model. Well, after that the whole simulation crashed and burnt, and I'm still left here puzzled on what went wrong. I tried complaining about my research to my gf, but she just start calling me nerd and killed the conversation = =". I know I'm nerdy and everything and I'm proud of it =D. Hey, don't give me that look like I'm crazy, AE is a subject that requires passion to stay in. Anyway, I'm still working hard on my project, so I might not be able to write for a while. On the other thought, I might as well just bitch about my work over here, since no one I know knows this blog XD.
Just an after thought, I just heard this song not long ago and it stuck in my head ever since, nice song really, http://youtube.com/watch?v=VGSm7bFO-uU

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wolfcanfly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For some reason, I was totally out of it last afternoon. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, didn't took down the simulation number that I was doing, and have to go through the whole simulation files to figure out what I was doing, and I book a flight to PIT before checking the date and time. I guess being in the lab for so long took a toll on me, given that I didn't return home until 2am last night. It's not like I enjoy staying up late. The truth is that there's a meeting this morning, and I don't really have much to show to my boss. So...gotta get back to work again I guess. Chao!

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終於注意到夏天跟冬天的當季水果不一樣了... = ="

wolfcanfly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 26 Sun 2007 11:38
  • 離別


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wolfcanfly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


wolfcanfly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's kind of weird how being an engineer sort of takes the humanity out of you. We were trained to be objective, impersonal, rely on hard data, and question every single assumption, every guess work. It never occurred to me that the very live I was training to live is slowly pulling me away from people. You see, a human being cannot survive and retain his/her humanity without some sort of human interaction, and that is exactly what being an engineering graduate student is deprived of. I did not realize the severity of the situation until I found out that a close relative of a friend of mine, who is like a big sister to me, has recently passed away. I could not, for the life of me, think of any word of comfort that I can say to her other than “I’m sorry”. I guess I simply lost the ability to offer comforting words throughout the years. Graduate school kind of take the life and dream out of people, there’s always a project to finish, a deadline to meet, homework to keep up with, and conferences to prepare.

I have heard that there are people who can offer comfort to others through words alone. I wish I can do that, since I am so far away from all my family and friends. There is so little you can do when you are so far away. I just wish I can be right there for her, but all I can do is a few lines on MSN. Life sucks, being a graduate student in engineering sucks, but there’s nothing I can do about it, so I’ll just stop complaining and go back to work, and try to think of something to say to her when I finally find free time.

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