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wolfcanfly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Dec 24 Thu 2009 09:36
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So despite the fact that I'm supposed to be working on my 80+ pages report, which, by the way, I've only finished around 30 pages, I went out to see Avatar in 3D with a couple of the guys and gals in my lab. I haven't made up my mind on what to think about the movie, though... it's definitely a typical Hollywood movie, but at the same time there might be something just a bit deeper than skin deep in the movie. 

The setting of the movie seems surprisingly similar to a wild west movie, with people exploring/exploiting the frontier for resources and land. One old movie that the plot reminded me of, but not the same in most context, was Dances with the Wolves. In addition of blurring the line between two significantlly different cultures, Avatar challanges the line between two different species. Another interesting plot line in the movie was the planet that could think, and would strike back against invadars who would disrupt the "balance" of the land, and has the ability to transfer ones consciousness into another "vessel".

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I have just seen the new Hollywood  blockbuster, 2012. One thing is for sure – it is most definitely a Hollywood film; full of unnecessary “climax,” the infamous digital clock counting down, the selfless American President, the unlikely romance, and the barrage of pseudo-science. But since it's Hollywood, and since it's just for entertainment, I'll let those slip.

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Right, so...

I've been kind of busy for the past few weeks working on my year one progress report. With that out of the way now, I got a week off from my superviser.

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It has been a while since I last updated my blog.

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So, I'm done with the course project


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I never really think that I'm that far off from the average in a crowd.

But maybe that's because most people I hang out with are smart people like you guys.

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Note to self, must remember to update...

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Celtic music is one of my favorite genre. Celtic music is most often heard with fantasy movies, King Arthur and the likes, and sometimes in bars, like the famous Irish Drinking Song.

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話說某狼從很久以前就開始迷 Nightwish 了...

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